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Very interesting data, but I'm wondering if you could comment on why the marked decrease in participation (n). Is it the result of staffing reductions? Fewer participating companies? I'm left wondering how this might skew the % results.

Thanks for posting this. Confirms I think what most of us already knew would happen. I was actually a little surprised that the reductions were not greater.

Thank you!


Good questions. I think the decrease in participation is mostly due to the fact that the December data is an "update", rather than the comprehensive study that is done in April. As such, and given that it probably had a compressed participation timeframe, I would expect it to have a lower number of participants.

If the second group is a representative subset of the first (and, generally speaking, I can't think of why it wouldn't be), then the results shouldn't be skewed too much from one sample to the next.

During that survey period, there was a running daily online poll at W@W showing that a substantial minority of enterprises were undecided about the nature and extent of budget changes. Those who hadn't come to a final decision on where they stood (ending ~25%)probably kept deferring any update response. As the survey ran from October through December, the number "reducing budgets" grew with a steady erosion of hold-outs from the "no-change" and "too-soon" crowd, while the "we're increasing" minority stayed below 2%.

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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