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This post is gorgeous (visually as well as conceptually. I really am LOVING your new "look"!)

I like the idea both of thinking of rewards as a multi-part, multi-functional "portfolio" -- and then actually drawing pictures of it. I'm thinking of one of my recent sets of job interviews (oh... one of SO MANY! :) where it became very clear that the main function of the company's totally wacko incentive plan was to violently undermine every bit of the "teamwork" that the founding CEO waxed so poetic about -- and desperately wanted me to fix for him, without requiring him to make any changes at all himself.

I don't know if drawing pictures would have helped him. But maybe once I had seen the results myself when they looked like this:


I'd have been able to acknowledge, much sooner, that I truly WAS in the room with a crazy person.

Not long after I refused the job, I found out that the company had, indeed, exploded. I also found out that it was the second company Mr. LaLaLa had started and destroyed. I believe he now works the subway station in Times Square, assaulting commuters and forcing them to listen to lovely ballads about world peace which he plays on his ukelele.


Thanks for the comment, particularly the affirmation that the pictures worked. I had second thoughts after I posted them. I am still on my learning curve with the whole visual thing!


Very effective graphics and approach. Thanks for sharing.


Ann.. this is a fantastic explanation! One thing I think you could change however, which is, don't call it a program, call it a system. Program mentality does not make the connection between other parts and the strategic direction of the company.


Thanks for the comment - glad that you feel they are effective!


Thanks for your visit and comment as well. You make a good point. I have a sloppy tendency to use the terms system and program interchangeably - and the distinction you make is a valid and important one.

Congratulations. This post was chosen as one of the five best business blog posts for this week on my Midweek Look at the Business Blogs.


Thanks, Wally - always an honor to be featured on your Midweek Look!

This is great Ann - I may need to "borrow" it the next time I'm talking about rewards and recognition. If so - I will provide attribution!

By the way ... I have tagged you for your 6-word memoir. Have fun and I hope you play.


Thanks, Paul - have at it!

The 6 word memoir is a challenge (who thinks of these, anyway?) - I will put mine up as soon as I can come up with something suitably brilliant (as if!).

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  • More Info Here
    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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