The Chronicle of Philanthropy will hold on online discussion about executive pay in the nonprofit field on Wednesday, September 26, 12 noon Eastern time. The discussion, which is open to everyone (not just Chronicle subscribers), will feature as guests Lyn Brennan, an executive recruiter at Battalia Winston International, and Stephanie Geller, a researcher at Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University, and will also cover some "intriguing findings" from the Chronicle's recently released survey of nonprofit executive compensation.
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Thanks for posting this! I enjoy your blog.
Posted by: HR Wench | September 20, 2007 at 05:19 PM
Ooh, I've been offline for a while and so sorry I missed this! The nonprofit world is newly on my own radar and while I'm actually a little afraid of this information, I need to know it and am so grateful to you for pointing out where I can find it.
Posted by: almostgotit | September 30, 2007 at 09:47 PM