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Another great post! I'm particularly grateful for the link to more info on CARS IV results... you'd inspired me to go Googling for them yesterday to disappointing result. Especially well-taken are your points that (a) it is important not to get at "dangerous cross-purposes" with individual and group incentives and (b) We should resist the temptation to allow the plan to drive the strategy! (psychologists call this sort of thing "magic thinking"!!) (Which is what I engage in every time I go to Target for all their nifty organizer thingies, hoping the thingies will do the organizing *for* me..)

And, of course, you are also spot-on that incentives should not be instituted at the expense of base pay. That is merely exploitative, and employees will recognize it as such.

AB - Thanks for the comments and great observations. It is difficult to track down info on CARS - that's why I refer to it as a "best kept secret". I have my own dog-eared copy of the CARS I-III research summary, and have contacted WorldatWork (one of the sponsors) to see whether they have copies available. Will post on that availability when I learn more!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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